How to change a password for a LearnWorlds account on
Issues logging into the Bride Ministries Institute on LearnWorlds
After the BMI platform transition my progress was reset to 0%, how do I get the progress back?
We will not refund Level 4 classes if you have not taken the required Level 1-3 classes.
Bride Ministries Institute course did not transfer after the platform merge
I can't find Exposing Kabbalah on the new platform
May I download a BRIDE Ministries Institute course video/audio file to my computer to view/listen to offline?
I would like to replay my course and start fresh. How can reset the course as if it was never completed?
I have bought a course on BMI and I purchased for the 30+ lessons but only have 8 to 11? Could you please advise on how I can access the rest of the course?
We are sharing an account and would like the name on a certificate to be changed.
Directions to Sign into the Institute and access your purchased courses!